Es ist wie immer: Sonntag ist Zeit für Buchstaben und frischen Lesestoff. Und damit es niemand an Nachschub mangelt, gibt es heute 5 Artikel, die sich durchaus lohnen. Dann mal ran.

The Story Behind the Toy Story

Ich liebe diesen Film, eigentlich ja alle drei. und ich hab sie noch nicht annähernd oft genug geguckt. Ich freu mich jetzt schon drauf, sie endlich mit meinen Kindern gucken zu können.

    ↳ If this were the average animated-film project of the time, it would have been a lot of a pressure for a young company to handle. But this wasn’t just an average project?—?it was a whole new concept that put even more stress on the team.

This was to be the first ever completely computer-animated feature-length film. The technology to pull this off did not exist.

So what do great thinkers do when the current tech isn’t enough?

They make new tech that is.

And that is exactly what Pixar did. On top of creating an amazing storyline, they were responsible for developing brand new hardware and software to execute said storyline.
Anzahl Wörter: 1664

Germany was once the witch-burning capital of the world. Here’s why

Das ist ne durchaus interessante Sichtweise.

    ↳ In 1572, the killings began. That year, authorities in the tiny settlement of St Maximin, in present-day Germany, charged a woman named Eva with using witchcraft to murder a child. Eva confessed under torture; she, along with two women she implicated, were burned at the stake.
Anzahl Wörter: 1912

Google can still use Bluetooth to track your Android phone when Bluetooth is turned off

Das ist mal ne ziemlich doofe Sache. Und es lässt Google in keinem guten Licht dastehen. Es wird nur wieder kaum jemanden interessieren.

    ↳ When it comes to tracking the precise location of an Android user’s phone, Google appears to use every means available—including Bluetooth-based location information transmitted to the company when the user might think they have Bluetooth turned off entirely.
Anzahl Wörter: 1383

Der Zwischenfall mit dem Steak

Ganz großartige Geschichte über jemanden, dem die Nerven vollkommen durchgehen. Viel peinlicher geht’s eigentlich kaum.

    ↳ There are times in life where you need to be at your very best, make a great impression and start off in the best possible way. Meeting your new boss for dinner at her place can be considered as one of these occasions.

Markus Barth über Einzelzimmer in Hotels

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