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Germany/Country of Germany/Germany Geography

Learn about Germany and it’s 16 states and capitals with this fun educational animated music video for Kids and parents.


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Massive Great White Shark Spotted Near Hawaii

Some divers in Hawaii are gonna need a bigger boat. A nearly 20-foot-long shark named „Deep Blue,“ believed to be the largest great white on record, was filmed Tuesday in a rare sighting off the coast of Oahu, swimming right up to some divers. The 50-year-old beast is seen gliding through the water with its massive fins, flashing its razor-sharp teeth for the camera. Ocean Ramsey, a marine biologist and swimsuit model, spoke to Inside Edition about her close encounter with „Deep Blue.“


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Methane Bubbles Frozen in Lake Baikal

Pictured, bubbles of rising methane froze during winter into the exceptionally clear ice covering the lake.

Vacuuming My Duck


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The City of Marble

Off the coast of Tuscany sits a picturesque town where white mountains cascade over the landscape. Composed of the highest quality marble, these behemoths have attracted artists to Italy’s Pietrasanta for years. In fact, many of Michelangelo’s masterpieces were sculpted out of this very marble in the 15th century. Today, over 40 marble studios still exist within the city, with artisans leaving their own unique mark on the cherished marble. Join us as we explore the beauty of the City of Marble.


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The World Below: Time-Lapse | Earth 2

I never thought that I’d be making another one of these, but with all of the new footage from the International Space Station (ISS) that has been made public, I decided to give it another go. All of 4K video and Time-lapse sequences were taken by the astronauts onboard the ISS (NASA/ESA). All footage has been edited, color graded, denoised, deflickered, stabilized by myself. Some of the 4K video clips were shot at 24frames/sec reflecting the actual speed of the space station over the earth. Shots taken at wider angels were speed up a bit to match the flow of the video.


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SOUTH AMERICA – A Time-Lapse Adventure

In this short film, you will be taken on a journey through the incredibly varied landscapes of this imposing continent, South America. One year of travel, nine countries, countless hours on busses, motorbikes, and cars. Hundreds of thousands of images taken. 30TB of data used, 5 months of editing. The time-lapse film features South America like it has never been before with images from Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.


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Mother Nature leaves a chilling message for her inhabitants in this visual poem set high up in the northern hemisphere. The film traverses through the European Arctic, on the Norwegian and Russian border towns of Kirkenes (Norway) and Nikel (Russia). They are separated by 25 miles of vast, white sparseness and offer two very different perspectives on life in the artic, which due to global warming, share the same rapidly changing landscape. In the ice cold seas and through the bleak soviet-era apartments, Borderlands explores the relationship between urbanity, industry, nature and the people that live there showing the vast difference in arctic settlements, their architecture, culture, and identity whilst portraying the normality of life in the Arctic frontier often eluded from the media.


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If You Can

Graduation film directed and designed? by Hanna Rybak based on Winston Churchill’s quote


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Child’s Play

Two boys play together in the backyard. Their innocent game escalates into a real battle, until they hear a familiar sound.


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