Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
100 TV Shows, Ranked by Their Final Episode
100 TV Shows, Ranked by Their Final Episode
When You Find Out You’re Having Triplets
Daddy and big brother couldn’t come into the ultrasound due to the virus so they had to wait in the car. So I got to surprise them myself! Both of their very different reactions makes me laugh, smile, and cry. It’s just gold all the way to the end.
Video shows bear following boy during a family hike
An Italian boy named Alessandro was captured on video while he was being followed by a brown bear during a hike with his family.
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USA States Topography in Ridgeline Style
USA states‘ topography in ridgeline / stack plot / joy plot style. These map artworks are created from SRTM elevation data and processed in QGIS and python. All images have the same elevation scale.
Hammer and feather drop on moon
In 1971, astronaut David Scott re-created Galileo’s famous experiment on the moon by dropping a hammer and a feather simultaneously.
Final Callback
inspired by my worst audition!
The Provenance File 1.1
A robot becomes conscious and has to learn to cope with his newly developed sentience. However, his search for answers surrounding his origin and purpose only raises more questions. His journey teaches him that the internal path is even more complicated and treacherous than the external.
We’re excited to announce the exclusive world premiere of Battlesuit—a pilot episode directed by HaZ Dulull from the animated sci-fi series in development by TPub Comics, that’s based on the graphic novel and comic book, The Theory. The series takes us on a journey about an archaeologist and time traveler who are working to fix our past and save our future.
Battlesuit ist ein Kurzfilm von HaZ Dulull, der hier schon mehrfach vertreten ist.
“Singularity (after Stephen Hawking)” by Marie Howe
Poem by Marie Howe.
Face to Face Time
Claire takes the bold step of initiating a FaceTime call, only to discover Danny’s flaccid enthusiasm for her.
Pitch Black Panacea
“This is the story of two people, Amy and Carl, who embark on a journey to fix their lazy eyes by undergoing a treatment that will have profound effects on their sense of self and place in the world,” explains director Tom Hardiman, who has worked on multiple short film projects including music videos for Mura Masa, Tuneyards, Joywave and Everything is Recorded.
The axe and the iron
In the midst of a global pandemic, four friends find themselves at the center of an existential crisis.
Quaranteen – A tale of confinement
Puberty is a peculiar time, characterised by enormous changes, insecurities and questionable choices. Now imagine if you add a global virus to the mix.
A City, Paused
„A City, Paused“ is a personal project that Taylor Antisdel and I have been working on throughout this quarantine. It’s our attempt to portray the feeling of being in New York City over the past two months.
High-powered female executive meets high-rise window-washer for an erotic rendezvous on opposite sides of her skyscraper window.
Time Is A Nagra
When Liana offers to turn herself and her husband Clay into birds, they’re faced with a difficult choice as they soon realize that shapeshifting doesn’t come without sacrifices.
Grippe im Anzug
Schon tausendmal gesehen und ich kann immer noch drüber lachen. Also ist hier auch noch Platz für die Grippe im Anzug.