Immer am Wochenende (Bleiben wir realistisch: soweit möglich.) gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
➔ Playing With Steel Wool
We played with the steel wool burning reaction under our super macro lenses and the result is for you to enjoy!
➔ Wonders of Yangshuo
I spent one week in Yangshuo (Guilin, Guangxi China) and saw some of the most stunning views in the world. It is famous for its fabulous Karst formations and the Li River with the cormorant fishermen. I have tried to capture its beauty in this short film and hope you enjoy it!
➔ Dolomites – a timelapse adventure
Experience a beautiful timelapse journey through the landscapes of the Dolomites.
The Dolomites are a mountain range located in northeastern Italy and are caractarised by its bold light-gray cliffs and spires flecked with snow.
The film captures the atmosphere of the intriguing Dolomite mountains through a series of unique timelapses and a detailed soundscape. Sounds from natures own library are accompanied with subtle soundeffecs to support the atmosphere which in the mountains quickly can change from calm sunrise to intense thunderstorm.
➔ Baby white rhino ‚Little G‘ really believes he’s a lamb
➔ Caracal Screams for Food
This baby caracal was hungry. She looked at her caretaker and screamed at them multiple times for their attention so they could feed her.
➔ Portals
Autumn is beautiful and strange time of year, definitely one of my top 4.
➔ Open House
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➔ Goodbye Design
Goodbye Design was a passion project of summer 2018. The idea was born when I walked out of a museum a few months ago amazed by a product design exhibition from around ’50s. The geniality of minimal design mixed with used retro flavor and playful accent colors of everyday objects (mainly Braun) were the essentials for the concept of this short movie. Everything is driven by an excellent track from Dirty Art Club which was a perfect match with the rhythmical side of the concept. „Good(bye) Design “ is a reminder of how people slowly lose a relationship with true Good Design. Let’s look back at immortal design icons in this audiovisual experience! Enjoy ;)