Immer samstags gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

Orbital ATK Antares Launch (201410280038HQ)

Klingt seltsam, sieht aber geil aus. Was das ist? Eine beim Start explodierende Rakete!

Orbital ATK Antares Launch (201410280038HQ)

Every Best Visual Effects Winner. Ever.


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Alles, was man dazu sagen müsste, sagen die Macher selbst:

We had so much fun putting together every best picture ever, we thought we’d highlight every best visual effects winner next.

For the 1927/28 Academy awards, the award was for engineering effects. There was no award again until 1938 where it was called a special award „for outstanding achievement in creating special photographic and sound effects. The very next year the award was combined with sound effects and called the Award for Special Effects. It wasn’t until 1963 that the award became the Award for Best Visual Effects (which it is still called today). It was given every year from 1963 to present, with the exception of 1973. Hope you enjoy!

**Also we apologize for the two title mistakes. We had already uploaded it when we noticed:

*The Thief OF Bagdad
*Reap The Wild WIND

These Google Maps glitches are the stuff of nightmares

Ja doch, Glitches in Maps/Street View sind nix Neues. Aber alle paar Jahre kann man sich das mal angucken und sich fühlen wie im Museum für moderne Kunst.

These Google Maps glitches are the stuff of nightmares

Restored Original Star Wars 35mm-Scan

Wenn einen sowas interessiert, braucht man keine Texte, nur Links. René hat da mal was vorbereitet:

Restored Original Star Wars 35mm-Scan


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