Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

You Are Not Where You Think You Are

Look around you. Where are you? Where is this place you are occupying? Somewhere in a room, maybe in a city on a continent on a planet orbiting a star in a galaxy among billions. But… where is all of that? While this may feel like a daft question, it turns out that the concept of an absolute position is something humans made up.


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A mourning girl makes an unexpected friend when a white wolf takes her through a mysterious portal on a journey to confront her grief. A journey about loneliness, grief, friendship and love all in one big flow.


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A girl invites a costumed stranger off the street to her older sister’s dinner party. The mysterious man simply called ‚Bob‘ seems friendly enough… What could possibly go wrong?


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An Uninvited Guest

When a Black man is viciously assaulted by a police officer right outside their window, all of the guests at a dinner seem to consider the attack unremarkable except for one.


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