Immer am Wochenende (Bleiben wir realistisch: soweit möglich. Hat ja wieder nicht geklappt.) gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
radioWissen Alfred Nobel – Die Sprengkraft des schlechten Gewissens
Alfred Nobel kannte die Gewissensqualen eines Forschers, dessen Erkenntnisse der Welt zum Segen wie zum Fluch gereichen. Das ließ ihn zum Stifter des bekanntesten Wissenschaftspreises und des angesehenen Friedensnobelpreises werden.
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radioWissen Alexander von Humboldt – Universalgelehrter und Weltentdecker
radioWissen Alexander von Humboldt – Universalgelehrter und Weltentdecker
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radioWissen Wie der Tod in die Welt kam – Mythen und die große Menschheitsfrage
Dass jeder sterben muss, ist eine unumstößliche Tatsache. Warum das so ist, dafür haben Völker und Religionen in poetischen und bildkräftigen Mythen ungewöhnliche und anregende Antworten gefunden.
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radioWissen Mahatma Gandhi – Revolution ohne Gewalt
Ohne einen einzigen Schuss abzugeben, brachte er das britische Weltreich ins Wanken. Mahatma Gandhi ist die Leitfigur der gewaltfreien Revolte.
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NASA Visualization Shows a Black Hole’s Warped World
This new visualization of a black hole illustrates how its gravity distorts our view, warping its surroundings as if seen in a carnival mirror. The visualization simulates the appearance of a black hole where infalling matter has collected into a thin, hot structure called an accretion disk. The black hole’s extreme gravity skews light emitted by different regions of the disk, producing the misshapen appearance.
NASA’s Guide To Black Hole Safety
Have you ever thought about visiting a black hole? We sure hope not. However, if you’re absolutely convinced that a black hole is your ideal vacation spot, watch this video before you blast off to learn more about them and (more importantly) how to stay safe.
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Baby Cephalopods‘ First Moments
Watch as baby octopuses and squid hatch from their eggs.
BHOY is a teenager forced to mature in a savage world ruled by a God Whale.
Sticks & Stones
One night in 1966, a young draftee of the Vietnam War is caught sneaking of the house by his younger brother.
In this story of kindness, friendship, and the fear of being left behind, a friendship takes flight as a mouse that wants to fly and an injured bird cross paths.
Sodium Vapor Nights
Sodium Vapor Nights
MOCEAN. A film by Chris Bryan
I love filming in the ocean more than anything, its not just a job, its a passion. And sometimes its nice just to document waves without surfers riding them. The feeling of jumping off the rocks in the dark by myself just to capture the very first rays of light hitting the ocean without another sole in sight is unexplainable, its one of the most amazing feelings ever, its like my own personal therapy. And to realise that you’re the only person on this planet that got to witness these rare moments of absolute beauty as they happen is a really special feeling. And now im excited to share my experiences with you through my latest passion project „MOCEAN“. Heres some of my favourite moments from 2018.