Immer am Wochenende gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
➔ Rollin‘ France – what if animals were round?
➔ Travelling Through Brush and Ink
„Travelling Through Brush and Ink“ is a stop-motion animation of a little modern man traveling through four significant ancient Chinese paintings, transforming himself into animals and plants, and becomes part of the nature. Each painting represents four important stages of landscape art in Chinese history. Based on the original paintings, we built the sets and animated little character inside- all frame by frame. The animation is the opening film of 2016 annual exhibition National Palace Museum Taiwan.
➔ Life without Stuff
In a world where seemingly mundane objects mysteriously vanish without warning, Life Without Stuff highlights (with astonishing scientific accuracy) what life would be like without stuff.
➔ Le clitoris
Women are lucky, they get to have the only organ in the human body dedicated exclusively for pleasure: the clitoris! In this humorous and instructive animated documentary, find out its unrecognized anatomy and its unknown herstory.
Les femmes sont chanceuses, elles possèdent le seul organe du corps humain qui sert uniquement au plaisir : le clitoris! Dans ce documentaire animé drôle et instructif, découvrez son anatomie ignorée et son histoire méconnue.
➔ Leo and Laura
Leo and Laura traveled the world together, but now in their 90’s it’s become much smaller.
➔ How the Rainbow Pride Flag Earned Its (Colorful) Stripes
In late ‘70s San Francisco, the nascent Gay Rights Movement was in full swing. Without a symbol to rally around, the diverse group of activists navigated the treacherous political climate with no beacon. That’s where artist Gilbert Baker came in. Baker’s iconic rainbow flag design not only filled a void, it quickly became a global symbol of LGBTQ unity and solidarity.
➔ 1997: The Birth of the Camera Phone
On June 11th, 1997, Philippe Kahn created the first camera phone solution to share pictures instantly on public networks. The impetus for this invention was the birth of Kahn’s daughter, when he jerry-rigged a mobile phone with a digital camera and sent photos in real time. In 2016 Time Magazine included Kahn’s first camera phone photo in their list of the 100 most influential photos of all time.
➔ The Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Nicht ganz ernstgemeinter Werbespot für eine Pipeline, die nur Vorteile hat. Für alle. Versprochen!
➔ Galaxy gates
«Galaxy gates» is the pride of our collection. It is the result of a 4 months long job. Due to the very high selection standards, less than 2% of the shots taken were used to create this immersive video.
First, paints are mixed, then they are “opened”, a specific process that we have worked out while on a trip in Japan.
„GALAXY GATES“ is an experimental dreamlike video rocking us smoothly through circular moves.
The visual compositions have been created out of paint, oil and soap liquid.
➔ HAN SS13 – Short film
Werbung. Für Mode. Aber völlig gaga. :)
➔ Water Ice Growing on Dry Ice