Immer samstags gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

➔ SEASONS of NORWAY – A Time-Lapse Adventure


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With its imposing mountains, endless plateaus and echoing valleys, Norway is a country where nature takes the lead. Using time-lapse, this film attempts to capture the ebb and flow of the seasons and is a result of one year of planning, a second year of shooting and four months of editing.

20,000 kilometers have been travelled, 200,000 photos taken and 20 terabytes worth of hard drives filled. Months have been spent hiking through the mountains, sleeping in tents and travelling through the entire country hunting for the best locations.

SEASONS of NORWAY is shot and edited by Morten Rustad.

➔ CCsearch

Wer Bilder unter CC-Lizenz sucht, hat mittlerweile eine feine neue Anlaufstelle. Anbei mal ein Screenshot der Quellen.

➔ NASA Image and Video Library

Eine Suchmaschine für NASA-Fotos? Ganz genau.

➔ Seths drawings from Superbad

Wer Superbad gesehen hat, weiß, was Seth als Kind zwanghaft gezeichnet hat. Große Kunst.

Seths drawings from Superbad


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