Immer samstags (odfert auch mal später…) gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

➔ Toposcape


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An audiovisual piece made up of over four thousand still images pulled from Google Earth, individually edited, and then manually sequenced to Midnight by Caravan Palace.

The film showcases instances of environmental innovation and degradation from around the world: housing developments in Denmark designed to promote increased community, sites of deforestation in the Amazon due to cattle ranching, and the Namib desert in Namibia whose biodiversity has some of the highest levels of endemism.

➔ 70 Jahre Fotoagentur Magnum – Die ganze Welt in ihrem Blick

Ikonische Fotos, eingebrannt ins kulturelle Gedächtnis: Ein Soldat fällt im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg, Che Guevara raucht Zigarre, Sammy Davis, Jr. blickt über New York. Diese Bilder stammen allesamt von Fotografen der legendären Fotoagentur Magnum. Europa lag in Trümmern, als Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson und zwei Kollegen die Agentur in den 1940er Jahren in Paris gründeten. Bis heute arbeiten die besten Fotografen der Welt für Magnum. Anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags der Agentur zeigen wir weltberühmte Motive aus dem Magnum-Archiv von 1936 bis 2014.

➔ Kids & Explosions – Swear Words


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Inspired by GIF, this video clip is about the clichés of american antagonisms: Christian thought, homeland love and excesses of the USA.

➔ Sexorama


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An abstract film. Seriously. Blame your own repressed sexuality for anything else you might see.

➔ Short Short: Why Wolves?


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➔ Short Short: A Work o’ Fart


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➔ Mary & Marsha in The Manor of Madness


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Sinister secrets await as Mary helps her girlfriend Marsha escape from her parent’s gothic mansion one dark and eldritch night. The film features a blend of hand-drawn art and 3D assets and takes us on a Lovecraftian escapade through the Manor of Madness. Our goal with this film was to combine the creeping horror of H.P. Lovecraft with the wacky action of classic Saturday morning cartoons. This bizarre juxtaposition of styles helps emphasize both the weirdness of the horror and the silliness of the humor. Also the idea of „Scooby-doo chases in H.P. Lovecraft“ is just inherently funny, to us at least. The „side-scrolling“ cinematography both suited the 2D animation and helped emphasize the eerie atmosphere of the mansion surroundings. It also makes it easy to understand where everything is in relationship to each other during the chaotic chase sequences.

➔ visothkakvei auf Instagram


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➔ Undulatus Asperatus Sunset


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Undulatus asperatus clouds are a rare phenomenon and actually the newest named cloud type in over 60 years. I’ve seen tons of photos of them, but never anything like what we witnessed last night. We had a storm with hail in front of us and flashing lightning which was fantastic. But then we had this layer of undulatus clouds flowing across our view. Watching them was amazing already, but then the sun slowly appeared from behind some clouds to the west and lit up our storm like nothing we’ve ever seen before. We were like kids in a candy store. Running around, doing our best to capture it from every possible angle.

➔ Stay Sharp


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Utaka Matsumura and his son, Sotaro, have sharpened and polished some of Japan’s most important swords. This short film is a glimpse into their process.


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