Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
Jonathan Pie: Welcome to Britain. Everything is Terrible.
We turned once again to the fictional broadcast journalist Jonathan Pie, performed by Tom Walker. In the satirical Opinion video above, he takes viewers on a tour of a broken Britain and argues that Ms. Truss is not well equipped to fix it. The video contains some strong language and adult humor you don’t normally see in The Times, but we think Mr. Pie is the perfect conduit for the frustration and desperation of millions of Britons.
9 Hour 55 Min 30 Sec of JUPITER Rotating in Real-Time
Jupiter rotates in 9 hours 55minutes and 30 seconds. It’s the fastest-rotating planet in the solar system as well as the largest! Larger planets tend to be faster because, during solar system formation, they pulled in more material than the other planets. The material it pulled in was already moving, so by picking up more material it also acquired its momentum, so more material = more speed!
Butter (Mother – Danzig Parody) Joey Kalico
1972 the banned dead loop of Olga Korbut
Die überfällige Krise der Audiophilen
Vinyl klingt immer besser! Denn es ist analog! Und Analog ist immer besser als Digital! … oder so ähnlich.
Danny DeVito & Lucy DeVito Critique Tattoos of Danny DeVito
Danny DeVito and his daughter Lucy DeVito discuss tattoos fans have gotten of Danny and his many characters. Danny DeVito tattoos come in all shapes and sizes. From „Danny Dorito“ to an original Ongo Gablogian piece, the DeVitos find each tattoo very far from derivative.
The Meet Cute
Lili is nothing like her family: the sister is pathetic and the mother thinks her crazy. She will meet The Martian, a misfit teen. Together, they form a bond hatched from their imaginary worlds.