Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.


Kachalka takes you into the heart of what is widely considered ‚the world’s most hardcore gym‘, Kyiv’s enormous open-air Kachalka gym. Join the gym’s caretaker as he takes us through the enormous scrap-metal site, allowing us a glimpse into the unique community and ingenuity from which it was created. From the director (03/03/22): Kachalka was made in Kyiv a couple of summers ago, in a moment in time which seems a far cry away from the tragedy which is currently taking place. Although this film shows a very different reality to what we are currently seeing in Kyiv and around the rest of Ukraine, I hope this short film helps to shine a light on the Ukrainian spirit and what makes it truly unique. The intention behind this film was to capture the incredible sense of community and ingenuity that exists at the heart of this Kyiv gym and I think this is something which speaks to the stories we are hearing from Ukraine in this present time.


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One Left

Several patients are waiting in a doctor’s office to hear test results regarding their remaining lifetimes. However in most cases, the allotted time is not as long as they had hoped for.


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Brian’s life is terrible, and his friend Tony knows why. And how to fix it. Sort of.


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Let them die like lovers

A body-jumping soldier grapples with the morality of her missions in this emotionally charged sci-fi thriller. Starring Mustafa Shakir (MARVEL’S „LUKE CAGE“, HBO’s „THE DEUCE“) and Angela Lewis (FX’s „SNOWFALL“).


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We Will Become Better

Love is everyone’s right.


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