Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
radioWissen: Der Schwamm – Ohne Hirn und doch voller Raffinesse
Schwämme gehören zu den urtümlichsten Tieren auf unserer Erde. Sie haben keine Nervenzellen, keine Muskeln, keine Sinnesorgane. Dennoch sind sie ein evolutionäres Erfolgsmodell, das bis heute überdauert hat. (BR 2017)
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Ehrliche Reue? Mein Nazi-Großvater und seine Umkehr
Kilian Pfeffers Großvater war überzeugter Nazi. Nach 1945 gehörte er zu den wenigen, die das nicht verschwiegen. Kilian Pfeffer wollte wissen: Was war mein Großvater für ein Typ?
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Meanwhile in Australia, cockatoos are biting tails of kangaroos and stealing their food
Funnel cloud
Waterfall Defies Gravity Due to Strong Winds at Victoria Park
Strong winds caused water to flow upwards at a waterfall in Port Campbell National Park in Victoria on June 9.
Double Major
Wil Smith enrolled as a freshman at Bowdoin College at the age of 27 with his infant daughter, Olivia, in tow. He had kept his daughter a secret until his arrival out of fear that the college would not allow him to attend. Wil balanced his studies, a night job, and basketball, all while raising his daughter. As a teenager, Olivia sat down with her dad to hear more about their days as college roommates.
Louis Dunford – Ballad Of Benjamin
Daniel Mustard – Creep
Homeless Mustard came in after being up all night after being in jail and hospital. Learned he was living on the streets of nyc for quite some time. Told us he was a musician. I got him a Taylor that we had laying around. The rest is history!