Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

Anywhere can happen


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Too close to the craters?

Can you count the close calls? To catch the shot you dream of you sometimes have to let go and take the chance. Hope you enjoy this.


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Chasing Ghosts

In their quest to identify the pollinator of the ghost orchid for the first time, a team of explorers, photographers, and filmmakers spent three summers standing waist-deep in alligator- and snake-laden water, swatting air blackened by mosquitoes, and climbing to sometimes nausea-inducing heights. They came away with a startling new discovery – and an even deeper love for Florida’s wildest wetlands – revelations that may help to conserve both the endangered orchid and its shrinking home.


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Nymphopolis (Trailer)

While she thinks she is enjoying a perfect life at Zeus‘ side, a young nymph named Ingenue falls from Olympus. Under the thick cloud layers, she discovers a gigantic city where women are confined to a very special fate. Refusing to submit to this established order, she seeks a way to come back to Zeus. On her way up she will have no choice but to confront a whole Pantheon of Gods and thus lead the city towards revolution.


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March 19, 2021. A volcano has erupted in Iceland. Here is my video about this special event that happened close to Reykjavik.


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Two creative but impressionable kids hatch a plan to purchase their first packet of cigarettes, whilst clinging on to their prized possession; an impossible-to-get shiny gold football sticker.


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The Curse

What goes around comes around.


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The Complaint

Spring 2020. With the world on coronavirus lockdown, a college professor and a troubled student struggle to connect over Zoom.


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