Trauer ist eine gar nicht mal so einfache Kiste. Klar, auf der einen Seite kann sie uns, wenn man denn „richtig“ trauert, über wirklich harte Schicksalsschläge hinweghelfen. Im Anschluss ist dann vielleicht nicht alles supidupi, aber immerhin besser als ohne ordentliche Trauerphase.

Auf der anderen Seite besteht natürlich die Gefahr, dass wir gar nicht mehr aus der Trauer rauskommen und komplett darin versumpfen. Und an genau diesem Punkt fangen wir an Dummheiten zu begehen.

Humankind narrowly avoided an apocalyptic event but some of those who survived struggle to move on after their horrific losses. A zombie outbreak has come and gone with humanity barely surviving thanks to a miracle vaccine. Eight years have past since the event and Junior still struggles to move on from his horrific losses. Drugs don’t work, alcohol doesn’t work, nothing eases his pain. At the end of his rope, Junior turns to the mysterious Raquelle for controversial treatment in hopes of peace but Raquelle is struggling with loss herself and her intentions aren’t as clear as Junior had hoped.


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Riley Was Here ist ein Kurzfilm von Jon Rhoads und Mike Marrero.

The filmmakers‘ statement on „Riley Was Here“: We love zombie films but they never seem to touch on what happens after the dust has settled from a global trauma. How do those who survived move on? Could they ever? We wanted to explore the psychological damage one would have to endure, the survivor’s guilt one would feel and the forgiveness one would have to find. ‚Riley Was Here‘ is about tragedy and how we deal with it.



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