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„How would fruits move if they could?“ A personal Animation project without the use of keyframes. Each movement is generated through physical simulation or procedural noise.


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The Wingfeather Saga Short Film

Based on the best-selling novels, the epic saga comes to life in an all-new animated short film! For twelve-year-old Janner Igiby, life in Glipwood is anything but adventurous. His only escape is the stories he reads at Books and Crannies. Janner’s dream of adventure becomes a perilous reality when his sister, Leeli, stumbles into a Fang of Dang and his little brother, Kalmar, finds a mysterious map that may lead to the powerful Jewels of Anniera.


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Wenn man mal ne Kirche für sich hat und außerdem passabel singen kann


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HOPE ST is the story of a young man about to alter the course of his life. As he contemplates going through with an armed robbery, he is haunted by repeating visions of what could go wrong.


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Kiss Me

A young couple on the verge of a break-up embark on a camping trip in an attempt to salvage their relationship.


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Gnadenlos bekloppter (Pseudo?)-Doku-Kurzfilm über eine Familie und ihren Hahn. Leider nicht einbettbar.

In a cramped apartment in Mumbai, a family considers eating their hell-raising pet rooster, so that they can reclaim their lives.

Beauty In Numbers: Pi / 3.14

„Beauty In Numbers“ is an animated film exploring the mysteries of the endless number pi. Using mathematical concepts as inspiration, the film takes the viewer on a mathematical journey showing where the infamous number appears in nature.


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The World’s Most Dangerous Cheese Gets Its Zest From Maggots

Verlockend geht sicher anders, aber das sieht schon geil cremig aus.

“Casu marzu” literally means “rotten cheese,” but in Sardinia, it’s a glory to behold. What starts off as a regular wheel of pecorino is then visited by cheese flies that lay their eggs inside, giving the formaggio its signature zing. But, with a nickname like “the world’s most dangerous cheese,” you can be sure that along with the cheese comes some risky business. Still, a handful of artisans continue to produce the traditional cheese, cementing its status in Sardinian culture.


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SYSTEM OF A DOWN – B.Y.O.B. (Cover + Vocal Impressions) by Parasyche

Normalerweise denke ich mir bei diesen „X covert Y ganz innovativ“-Videos immer Najaichweißjanich, aber das hier is schon echt geil gemacht.


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Zambezi – Children of the river

The Lozi people live on flood lands. Every year during the rainy season the water level rises up to the point where it is impossible to live on the land. And so, for the past 300 years, the Lozi people have practiced the Kuomboka ceremony, which literally means „get out of water“. During the ceremony, the entire tribe board canoes and follow their king to his winter palaces and his home up on the hills.


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Menschen, die online einen Spiegel verkaufen wollen, stehen oft vor großen fotografischen Herausforderungen. Die Resultate sind zum Teil grandios. Sowohl peinlich als auch lustig. Beispiel gefällig?


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Impressive Slicing Skills With Knife

A knife dealer from Italy has filmed himself cutting vegetables and fruit with extra-sharp knives, and the slices are the thinnest you’ll ever see. Giacomo Giovannitti, from Bologna, has worked with Japanese knives for over 10 years, and in the video he shows the supreme skills he has acquired, cutting tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, cucumber, apple and radish so thin that the slices are almost transparent.


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Sehr sehr sehr knuffige Wildtierfotos

Combining his love of nature with his skills in photography, 21-year-old Ossi Saarinen captures the many wild forest animals living in Finland’s mystical woodlands. From curious foxes and mischievous red squirrels to shy deers and even grizzly bears, the talented wildlife photographer gets up-close and personal with these charming creatures, revealing their most intimate and adorable moments.

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(via Gilly)

Dust devil sends paraglider flying

Speaking to Storyful, Chief Flying Instructor at Manilla Paragliding Godfrey Wenness said, “The pilot quickly regained control of the glider and flew away to continue on a relatively uneventful five hour and 180 km cross-country flight.” “The pilot was uninjured by the incident. The paraglider was undamaged. The video was taken by his wife who is also a pilot,” he said. “Dust devils are the visible rotating core of intense updrafts of air and typically occur on hot dry days in certain atmospheric conditions.


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