Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
Spielfilm? Laserpope will einer werden
Lukas hat mir ne Mail geschrieben. Sein Laserpope, den ich vor zwei Jahren hier gezeigt habe, soll mit allerlei illegalen Drogen, experimataler Technik und euren Geld aufgepumpt werden, um im Spielfilmformat Angst und Schrecken zu verbreiten. Alles im Namen des Herrn natürlich.
Hier nochmal der ursprüngliche Film.
Und hier der Kampagnenfilm.
Spendet reichlich, ihr elenden Sünder! Kein Mensch braucht ne Krankenversicherung und die Kinder müssen auch nicht jede Woche was essen. Schließlich geht es hier um eine Mission des Herrn! Auf die Knie und hier spenden:
Fear Of The Deer (Trailer)
Warum es sich lohnt, alle Feeds von jemandem wie Steve Cutts im Abo zu haben? Weil er zwischendurch mal so einen feinen fiktiven Trailer wie diesen hier raushaut.
Pornhub: 2018 Year in Review
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Late 1890s – A Trip Through Paris, France (speed corrected w/ added sound)
A collection of high quality remastered prints from the dawn of film taken in Belle Époque-era Paris, France from 1896-1900. Slowed down footage to a natural rate and added in sound for ambiance. These films were taken by the Lumière company.
Kurzfilm: First Christmas
Directed by Kyra & Constantin ‚First Christmas‘ is a love story told in beautiful animation with woodland characters spreading the message. We follow Henry the Hedgehog as he starts at a new school. His spikes make it hard for him to fit in but luckily he has a friend, Squirrel, looking out for him.
Leider Werbung, aber gut gemacht.
Kurzfilm: Alfred J Hemlock
When Emily’s boyfriend abandons her in the night, her only way home is through an alleyway where she is terrorised by the mysterious entity Alfred J Hemlock.
Kurzfilm: Caroline
In the middle of a Texas summer, plans for a babysitter fall through and six-year-old Caroline is left in charge of her two younger siblings.
Kurzfilm: Adam & Esra
Upon meeting the very down-to-earth Esra, narcissistic Adam tries to impress and conquer her. The story of a shallow man who’s forced to face his inner self.
Seven Million Years of Human Evolution
Scientists use fossils to reconstruct the evolutionary history of hominins—the group that includes modern humans, our immediate ancestors, and other extinct relatives. Today, our closest living relatives are chimpanzees, but extinct hominins are even closer. Where and when did they live? What can we learn about their lives? Why did they go extinct? Scientists look to fossils for clues.
A Dyeing Tradition
Textile dyer Sachio Yoshioka is a throwback in the best possible way. While 99 percent of fabrics these days are dyed with hard-to-pronounce chemicals like azophloxin, chrysoidine R and xylene cyanol FF that are bad for the environment, Kyoto-based Yoshioka creates bright, colorful dyes using locally-sourced plants, like saffron, pampas grass and traditional techniques that date back to the Edo period.
Kurzfilm: Christmas with the Moonies
It’s that time of year! And we’d like to introduce you to the Moonies; the chaotic couple who won’t be getting the Christmas they expected this year. When an evening of festivities goes very wrong, the Moonies try to hide any wrongdoing. Little do they know who they’re up against.
Lessons Learned
No one succeeds alone. After the difficult experience of helping integrate a Tennessee high school in 1964, Dr. William Lynn Weaver succeeded in spite of some teachers and because of others, in particular one whose largest contribution took decades to be revealed.
Kurzfilm: The Gentleman Shaver
NASA’s Voyager 2 Enters Interstellar Space
Forty-one years after it launched into space, NASA’s Voyager 2 probe has exited our solar bubble and entered the region between stars. Its twin, Voyager 1, made this historic crossing in 2012. Edward Stone, the Voyager mission’s project scientist, and Suzanne Dodd, the mission project manager, discuss this major milestone and what’s to come for the trailblazing probe. For more about the Voyagers, including the Grand Tour of the Solar System and the Golden Record, visit
Human Terrain – Visualizing the world’s population, in 3D
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Kurzfilm: Babs
After a young man makes a shocking discovery about his recently deceased father, he must decide whether he can accept the truth about who (or what) his dad really loved.
Kurzfilm: Invaders
Not suitable for young children or elves!
On Christmas Eve, a small UFO struggling find his place in the universe follows his two mischievous friend’s down to earth, whilst trying to impress and gain their acceptance he inadvertently changes Christmas forever. Inspired by early Amblin films as well as other 80’s, genre classics.
Schmiedkunstporno: Forged and Filed
A two year project by metalsmith Seth Gould, forged and filed from scratch, set to the percussive sounds of his workshop.