Tausende Tote, Unmengen an Gesichtern. Und doch ist jeder Tote, jedes Opfer einzigartig, mit eigener Geschichte und eigenem Schicksal. Nicht nur Teil der Masse, sondern Mensch.

“Faces of Auschwitz” is a collaboration between the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, a Brazilian photo colorization specialist Marina Amaral, and a dedicated team of academics, journalists and volunteers. The goal of the project is to honor the memory and lives of Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners by colorizing registration photographs culled from the museum’s archive and sharing individual stories of those whose faces were photographed.

By bringing color to the original black and white registration photos and telling prisoners’ stories, “Faces of Auschwitz” commemorates the memory of those who were murdered in the name of bigotry and hate. It acts as both a memorial to their passing and a warning to the world at a time when the memory of the Holocaust becomes increasingly abstract and remote.

More than coloring their faces, we will also tell their stories.

Faces of Auschwitz

(via boingboing.net)


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