Immer am Wochenende (Bleiben wir realistisch: soweit möglich.) gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
➔ Six Charts To Help Americans Understand The Upcoming German Election
So ein Blick von außen ist ja manchmal ganz interessant.
➔ Unbelievable Faroes
Unspoiled, Unexplored, Unbelievable. This is the motto of the Faroe Islands. And its absolutely true. A magical archipelago in the middle of the wild atlantic ocean.
The Atacama desert is home to the darkest and cleanest skies in the world. A view to the nightsky rewards with uncountable numbers of stars and fantastic nebulas in one of the most quiet a empty places on earth. Not a single noise distracts from the grand show the nightsky has to offer.
The environment is harsh though. Filmed in freezing temperatures, altitudes up to 5000m/16000ft, salt lakes and icy slopes, the Atacama is not friendly to life and equipment. Though it provides without doubt for epic and vast vistas of one of the greatest landscapes on earth.
➔ The Story of Jon Burgerman
➔ How One Man Rebuilt a WWII Spitfire Plane By Hand
It’s one thing to build a model airplane as a kid, but to recreate an entire World War II fighter plane (that flies!) piece by piece? That’s some real DIY magic. When Martin Phillips, an English tool shop owner, received a single rivet from a WWII Spitfire as a 40th birthday gift, it changed his life. His challenge: to rebuild the iconic aircraft from the one piece. Amazingly, he did it. It took him 14 years and a million pounds, but Phillips scoured the world for spare Spitfire parts, machined ones that no longer existed and even found an old wing rusting behind a pub. The Spitfire is the ultimate symbol of Britain’s war effort, and Martin has been keeping the legend alive since his plane’s maiden voyage in 2013.
➔ Winston & Pigbert
A detective pup named Winston and his sidekick Pigbert investigate a puzzling aroma.
➔ Bike load into pickup fail
Sehr elegant. Ich wüsste nicht, was daran falsch sein sollte…
This unlikely duo brought down a dictator. A profile on former prisoner of war Souleymane Guengueng, human rights lawyer Reed Brody and their fight against Chadian dictator Hissène Habré. A summary of their twenty-year friendship, journey to victory and lifetime of trials. Special thanks to Souleymane and Reed for showing the world how its done and sharing their powerful story.
➔ Shu Takada – 2A Final – 1st Place – World Yoyo Contest 2017
Shu Takada is the 2017 2A (Two Handed Looping style) World Yoyo Champion. The 2017 World Yo-Yo Championship was held on August 10-12th at the Harpa Conference Center in Reykjavík, Iceland.
➔ IT Guy’s Log
A short showing the reality of being an IT guy aboard the Star Trek’s USS Enterprise.
➔ Jam Project 2017: The Kidchen
➔ Halo Top – Eat the Ice Cream
Herr im Himmel! Das ist mal ne mehr als durchgeknallte Werbung.