Immer samstags gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

➔ 7 Lessons I Learnt From Photography (feat. Jimmy Nelson)

Watch photographer Jimmy Nelson share some of his most intimate and fascinating stories & life lessons learned from the people he’s photographed during his worldwide adventures…

Der Mann hat durchaus was zu erzählen. Bleibt wohl auch nicht aus, wenn man derart rumkommt.


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➔ The Wait

The film takes the viewer on a journey from Michel’s hometown in Belgium to the remote mountains of Romania. On the trail of wild bison, Michel tracks the movement of the animals and then waits for the perfect moment; a process that can take up to a week to capture one shot.

Ein solches Maß an Geduld gehört für mich ja ins Reich der Märchen. Umso beeindruckender, wenn andere das tatsächlich aufbringen. Es scheint sich definitiv zu lohnen.


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➔ Johanna Under The Ice

Finnish freediver Johanna Nordblad holds the world record for a 50-meter dive under ice. She discovered her love for the sport through cold-water treatment while recovering from a downhill biking accident that almost took her leg. British director and photographer Ian Derry captures her taking a plunge under the Arctic ice.

Ähm, äh… Wow! Abgesehen vom Umstand, was die Dame da macht und wie irre das schon ist, sieht das auch noch wahnsinnig toll aus.


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➔ How The Atomic Tests Looked Like From Los Angeles

Unsere Amerikanischen Freunde™ müssen ja aus allem irgendwie ein Event machen, zur Not halt aus der Verseuchung der eigenen Natur. Aber ja, geguckt hätte ich wohl auch. Aus sicherem Abstand…


➔ Lost in Light

Lost in Light, a short film on how light pollution affects the view of the night skies. Shot mostly in California, the movie shows how the view gets progressively better as you move away from the lights. Finding locations to shoot at every level of light pollution was a challenge and getting to the darkest skies with no light pollution was a journey in itself. Here’s why I think we should care more.

The night skies remind us of our place in the Universe. Imagine if we lived under skies full of stars. That reminder we are a tiny part of this cosmos, the awe and a special connection with this remarkable world would make us much better beings – more thoughtful, inquisitive, empathetic, kind and caring. Imagine kids growing up passionate about astronomy looking for answers and how advanced humankind would be, how connected and caring we’d feel with one another, how noble and adventurous we’d be. How compassionate with fellow species on Earth and how one with Nature we’d feel. Imagine a world where happiness of the soul is more beautiful. Ah, I feel so close to inner peace. I can only wonder how my and millions of other lives would have changed.

But in reality, most of us live under heavily light polluted skies and some have never even seen the Milky Way. We take the skies for granted and are rather lost in our busy lives without much care for the view of the stars.

How does light pollution affect the night skies and quite possibly our lives?

Ja, bei uns sieht an nicht allzuviel Sterne. Ich mach drei Kreuze, dass ich die Milchstraße schon gesehen hab. Mit nem Bierchen in der Hand bei meinem Onkel in Mexiko aufm Dach liegend. Und was soll ich sagen? Es ist so wahnsinnig schön. <3


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➔ Royal Society Publishing photography competition – Finalists 2016

We invited scientists and alike to submit their best biological photographs to the 2016 Royal Society Publishing photography competition, and it’s safe to say they all exceeded our wildest expectations.

Es war ja irgendwie erwartbar, dass da nur tolle Fotos bei rumkommen. Da lohnt sich ein Blick. Mindestens.



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