Achtung: Brüste! Achtung: Text! Achtung: Englisch!



So, die weiblichen Leser – wenn ich denn welche habe – sollten erstmal abgeschreckt sein. Wir sind also unter uns. Und unter uns gesagt – Brüste haben was für sich.
Was alles, das ist einem Typen in den USA aufgefallen, als er durch die Gegend fuhr und plötzlich ein Paar zu sehen bekam. Da ihm die sekundären Geschlechtsmerkmale der Dame nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gingen, setzte er sich kurzerhand hin und verfasste eine Suchanzeige über

Liest sich klasse!

You were on the sidewalk with a gaggle of your friends and you were all rushing toward the curb. I hit my brakes, afraid that you were going to run into the street, but you flashed me instead.

Never before have I believed in love at first sight. They were shapely and round and oh-so-generously proportioned, with smooth creamy skin, and they were proudly standing up with the resilience of youth. I immediately began thinking of all the things I could do with your breasts — we could go for long walks together on misty mornings, have dinner in romantic restaurants, go for bike rides around the lake. I began to imagine a lifetime of waking up with your breasts in my face, continuing to love them as age and gravity inevitably take their toll.

I could write poems for your pom-poms, ditties for your titties. Eat your heart out Keats — who needs a Grecian urn when I’ve got a pair of ice cream sundaes with cherries on top?

I’m almost certainly too old for you, but I think I could still have a meaningful relationship with your boobs. (

Was für ein Poet!
Süße Träume noch und bis morgen!


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