Immer samstags gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
Cassini’s Last View of Earth
This view from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft shows planet Earth as a point of light between the icy rings of Saturn.
Earth’s moon is also visible to the left of our planet in a cropped, zoomed-in version of the image.
Für den Mond muss man sich das Bild allerdings ne Nummer größer angucken.
Staubsauger mit Lücken-Phobie
Catching up on content
Wenn ich mal wieder ne freie Minute habe, sehen mich andere vermutlich eher so.
We Sleep: On the Enduring Propheticism of John Carpenter’s THEY LIVE
Bartenders Guess Who Is Underage
Can you guess if someone is over the age of 21 just by looking at them? Watch these bartenders try to guess who can legally drink in the US.
Two Million Stars on the Move
If you could watch the night sky for one million years — how would it change? Besides local effects caused by the Earth’s spin and the reorientation of the Earth’s spin axis, the stars themselves will move. Combining positional data of unprecedented accuracy for two-million stars taken over years by ESA’s Earth-orbiting Hipparcos (now defunct) and Gaia satellites, a future extrapolation of star movements was made over millions years.