Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

Crazy Koala Fight

Koala has a very low metabolic rate and normally rests for about 16 to 18 hours a day, sleeping most of that time. As seen in this video, when disturbed, Koalas are known to be violent, their teeth and claws capable of causing considerable injury.


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Spin Doctors – Two Princes (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli)


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It’s the last night at the closing Royal Alamo Cineplex and two slacker employees work the concessions stand, arguing about life and movies while contemplating their futures.


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Got a husband malfunction? Likely a software issue.


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The Recycling Man

A boy immobilized on a wheelchair spies other residents in the windows across the courtyard. He convinces himself of spotting an attempted assault on a little girl. Is he preventing a murder? Or is he just not capable of seeing the whole picture?


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