Immer samstags gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
Jupiter: Juno Perijove 06
Juno Perijove 06_123 Print portrait
How Falconry Shaped the English Language
Feeling hoodwinked or fed up? You can thank falconry for those particular turns of phrase. During the 16th century, a rather notable amateur falconer named William Shakespeare became enamored of the sport. The playwright loved training birds of prey so much that he began adding falconry references to his plays. And guess what? He successfully wrapped us all around his little finger. (See what we did there?)
Summer’s Puke is Winter’s Delight
Painful events become memories over time. Still. we vomit and eat again.
Life is Eco.
Andy Yeung | photography – Walled City
FRACTAL – 4k StormLapse
The ingredient based explanation for supercell thunderstorms cites moisture, wind shear, instability and lift as the reasons for their formation. I prefer to focus on the big picture. Supercell thunderstorms are a manifestation of nature’s attempt to correct an extreme imbalance. The ever ongoing effort to reach equilibrium, or entropy, is what drives all of our weather, and the force with which the atmosphere tries to correct this imbalance is proportional to the gradient. In other words, the more extreme the imbalance, the more extreme the storm.
This collection of timelapses was gathered over the last six years from Texas to North Dakota and everywhere in between. The project started out as wanting to be able to see the life-cycles of these storms, just for my own enjoyment and to increase my understanding of them. Over time, it morphed into an obsession with wanting to document as many photogenic supercells as I could, in as high a resolution as possible, as to be able to share with those who couldn’t see first-hand the majestic beauty that comes alive in the skies above America’s Great Plains every Spring. After more than 100,000 miles on the road and tens of thousands of shutter clicks later, this is the result. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: Perijove Passage
Und weil’s so großartig ist, hören wir mit Bildmaterial vom Jupiter auch wieder auf. Braucht ihr ein neues Poster für ne Tür?