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Centuripe 4K

The town of Centuripe (EN) is picturesquely perched on a mountain system (730 s.l.m.m.) which rises majestically halfway between Catania and Enna. From the top, the panorama is dominated by the imposing mass of Etna and the gaze sweeps over the surrounding river valleys (valleys of Salso, Dittaino and Simeto) and the Plain of Catania, up to the mountain ranges of the Erei and Nebrodi for the radius of about fifty kilometers. The population is 5,800 inhabitants. The economy is mainly agricultural and artisanal, but sectors linked to the tertiary sector are also beginning to make their way. Centuripe, in addition to the landscape beauties, which make it a sort of Taormina of the hinterland, also offers remarkable archaeological remains. It was founded by the Sicilians around the eighth century BC. and from then on it was inhabited without interruption until the 13th century AD, when it was destroyed by Frederick II of Swabia and re-founded three centuries later. The urban layout, therefore, with its picturesque alleys designed for animal traction roads, is still the sixteenth-century one.


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Tumbleweeds (10th anniversary HD remaster)

A supercut commissioned by the Columbus Museum of Art.


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I Live Here Too

Forced to live on his own, a lonely man encounters his hauntingly strange new neighbor.


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