Fast immer, manchmal oder auch ab und an gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.
Streak and Plume from SpaceX’s Crew-2 Launch
Indian Harbor Beach, Florida, USA; just south of Cape Canaveral
Flying Over the Earth at Night II
Alleyway Chefs
Teaser episode of short form series Alleyway Chefs.
Swipe Up, Vivian
Vivian lives in isolation in her high-rise apartment, never leaving it in fear of the outside world, which has become increasingly restricted, thanks to an unstable socioeconomic climate and random violence. But her sister is increasingly worried about Vivian’s state of mind, urging her to connect to someone, even virtually.
The Hostage
Two parents struggle to free their son from the clutches of an alien epidemic.
The Journey
Sometimes I Wonder
How To Be Alone (2010)
A music video for the poem HOW TO BE ALONE by the wonderful and talented Tanya Davis
How to Be at Home (2020)
In 2010, the poet, musician and my dear friend, Tanya Davis, wrote the beautiful poem, How to Be Alone, and from this we collaborated to make the film which you can see here Ten years later, Tanya has written the gorgeous and poignant poem for these times, How to Be at Home, and we found ourselves collaborating again! This animation was created in my home studio in Halifax, Nova Scotia, while in social isolation through the spring and summer of 2020.