Immer am Wochenende (Bleiben wir realistisch: soweit möglich.) gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

radioWissen Die Nürnberger Prozesse – Nazi-Kriegsverbrecher vor Gericht

Im November 1945 trat der Nürnberger Gerichtshof erstmals im Saal 600 des Justizpalastes zusammen. Ein Jahr später endete der Prozess mit der Hinrichtung von zehn Männern: Sie fanden den Tod durch den Strang.

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Batman – Ein moderner Heldenmythos

Batman, der Superheld mit der Fledermausmaske, ist seit über 80 Jahren supererfolgreich. Wer ist er: Der edle Ritter, der für Gerechtigkeit kämpft oder ein gewaltgieriger Freak?

radioWissen Drift durchs Polareis – Jahrhundertexpedition in die Arktis

Die Expedition MOSAIC driftet ein Jahr lang durch die Arktis. Die Forscher werden Atmosphäre, Schnee, Eis und das Leben im Ozean vermessen. Ein historisches Unterfangen für eine bessere Klimaforschung.

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radioWissen Friedrich der Große – der erste Diener seines Staates

Der erste Diener seines Staates wollte der Preußenkönig Friedrich II. sein. Tatsächlich bereitete er mit seinem Amtsantritt dem verschwenderischen Regierungsstil seines Vaters ein jähes Ende und führte das junge Preußen ein in die Reihe der mächtigsten Staaten seiner Zeit.

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This fellow dances harder than should be humanly possible


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A New Time Machine? Cybertruck 2020 in Back to the Future

Doc and Marty send a new model into the future.


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Solar Granules at Record High Resolution

Explanation: Why does the Sun’s surface keep changing? The help find out, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) has built the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope in Hawaii, USA. The Inouye telescope has a larger mirror that enables the capturing of images of higher resolution, at a faster rate, and in more colors than ever before. Featured are recently-released first-light images taken over 10 minutes and combined into a 5-second time-lapse video. The video captures an area on the Sun roughly the size of our Earth, features granules roughly the size of a country, and resolves features as small as 30-kilometers across. Granule centers are bright due to the upwelling hot solar plasma, while granule edges are dim due to the cooled plasma falling back. Some regions between granules edges are very bright as they are curious magnetic windows into a deep and hotter solar interior. How the Sun’s magnetic field keeps changing, channeling energy, and affecting the distant Earth, among many other topics, will be studied for years to come using data from the new Inouye telescope.


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This is the highest-resolution photo of the sun ever taken

Astronomers turned on the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope in Maui and managed to snap this incredible view of the sun. And there’s more to come.

Jon Bon Jovi Park Singing by a Guy

When one person effect the whole croud! Love it.


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Going for a roll on a lake in Maine

I filmed this while out skating on Great Pond in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. The disc moved entirely due to the wind.


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Teenager using a drone spots great white shark near swimmers at NSW beach

Incredible vision shows what experts believe is a great white shark lurking within metres of swimmers on a New South Wales beach. It was spotted by a teenager using a drone. His fast-moving family raced to the shore and yelled at surfers to quickly get out.


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Bonanzaville, Hour 1 | Rolex Oyster Cosmograph & Documentation, ca. 1971 | ANTIQUES ROADSHOW | PBS

Travel with ANTIQUES ROADSHOW to Bonanzaville in West Fargo for the biggest find of the season, and watch as the owner is floored by the appraisal–literally!


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OTHERWORLD VOL. 1 is an 8K HDR macro footage compilation of colors and fluids in motion. The visuals are made with different paints on canvas and filmed with an 8K RED DSMC2 camera and a macro lens.


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Panic Room #18 – Rebirth

Creativity is a wonderful thing, but what if it has a dark side? What twisted horrors is humankind capable of bringing to life once he learns to manipulate nature to his depraved will? This cinematic slice of lab-grown horror delves deeper.


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out of the blue

A 78-year-old man covered his body with one beautiful tattoo. The retired Principal City Planner for Baltimore talks about trees, consciousness, letting go of life and his genitals.


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The Reservoir

With high school freshly in the rearview mirror and college fast approaching, Aaron (Jared Gilman, MOONRISE KINGDOM) and his best friend Grant (Eli Bridges, JESSICA JONES) are offered a potentially life-changing opportunity of opening for a rock band on their cross-country tour. Hesitant to give up the safety of the life his parents planned for him, Aaron is stuck between disappointing his bandmate and best friend for a comfortable life or risking it all to escape suburban mediocrity.


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Spring Jam

Set in a New Zealand National Park. A young stag, lacking impressive antlers, knows he needs to improvise sweet music if he’s to have any chance during the mating season.


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Black Dispatch was a common term used by the Northern Army referring to the intelligence of Confederate movements provided by slaves, trusting that they would earn their freedom. This was the SINGLE MOST PROLIFIC form of espionage obtained by the Union forces. Sable, a Confederate engineer’s house slave, risks everything by stealing military plans, in hopes of delivering them to the Union Army and earning her and her family’s freedom.


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„Who is my neighbor?“


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The Craft

A young actress is challenged by a Hollywood acting coach to confront her demons in order to maximise her potential.


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A film about a couple on a wellness trip, where one partner disappears and the other isn’t sure whether he’s looking for her or himself. Within the bizarre world of the alpine wellness resort, Aron begins a new chapter in his life.


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Fan Fiction

Stick to the rules.


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