Immer am Wochenende (Bleiben wir realistisch: soweit möglich.) gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.



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Amanda is married to Craig, a terminally ill man. She has been by his side, bathing and feeding him for the past seven years. She cares for him day in and day out, the weight of it all taking a toll on her life and her marriage. But their marriage was broken long before the disease, and those cracks have never gone away. Now, frayed by a life in stasis, Amanda realizes it’s time to make a choice. A meeting with a stranger becomes Amanda’s final chance to regain her hope.

Balancing Pringles


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Invisible Barriers – Girl Effect


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Past The Second Stage


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A man attempts to crack his brothers security questions on his laptop to find a picture for his funeral. But each question brings him closer to the resentment he’s avoiding.

To Build a Fire


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In the harshness of midwinter, a trapper is crossing the Yukon with his dog. Struggling to survive, he attempts to build a simple fire.
To Build a Fire is widely recognised as a Jack London masterpiece and is a classic of American literature.



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Driving to reach his girlfriend’s cottage, Samuele accidentally hits the dog of an old hunter. Feeling guilty for the death of the dog he follows the hunter helping him to bury the animal in the woods. The journey in the wilderness is unending and Samuele is doubtful about the real intentions of the hunter.

Surviving the Race From Hell


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In 1904, athletes competing at the St. Louis marathon suffered through the race from hell. During a particularly sweltering day, runners were thrust into an event of catastrophic proportions, involving wild dogs, drugs and rotten apples. Out of the 32 athletes that competed, only 14 made it past the finish line. This is the harrowing tale of three runners that survived the disastrous marathon of 1904.

I was there too


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A divorced social outcast would do almost anything to become close to his daughter and ex-wife again. An impulsive decision delivers the reconciliation, sympathy and community he’s been craving, but it’s a craven lie.



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The Deep Place


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One small boy. One huge lake. Foli was a slave. Immerse yourself in his story.
Thousands of children between the ages of 6 and 18 live in slavery on Lake Volta, working up to 18 hours a day in the fishing industry. For these young children, the only way out of slavery is to drown or be rescued. Children just like Foli.
This story is a reenactment of the real life events of one young boy. All the names and locations have been changed to protect his real identity.

Ins Holz


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Snow, sweat, testosterone and the sound of chainsaws. Every four years, over a period of three months in winter, wood is being cut in a steep mountain high above Lake Ägeri and prepared for log rafting. Neither economic change nor technology has been able to replace this traditional and sustainable craft in Switzerland.


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