Immer samstags gibt es hier einen Sammelpost mit allem, was es nicht zu einem eigenen Artikel gebracht hat. Das ist mal mehr, mal weniger. Mal gucken, wie’s klappt.

➔ .generation

Was machen wir eigentlich, wenn plötzlich alle Computer kaputt gehen und sämtliche Fotos, Videos, Dokumente und Pornos weg sind? Zuerst mal doof aus der Wäsche gucken, das ist klar. Und irgendwann erinnern wir uns. Bleibt uns ja nichts anderes übrig.


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.generation is a short film that intimately documents three millennials in the year 2054 – uncovering their relationships with technology in the aftermath of the information age.

➔ The most jaw-dropping drone photography of the year, selected by National Geographic

Dronestagram, a photo-sharing community dedicated to the aerially-minded, has just released the winners of its third International Drone Photography Contest. The winning photos, all shot by drones, were selected by National Geographic editors from thousands of entries.

➔ Mining Gold

Wo wir grade bei tollen Bildern waren. Das hier sind absolut fantastische Aufnahmen von traumhaften Wellen. Wellenporno sozusagen. Ich brauch jetzt sofort so einen Fernseher im dreistelligen Zoll-Bereich.

West Australian coastline exploration on the first day of the Southern Hemisphere winter.


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➔ Ocean Ramsey and a Whale Shark


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➔ The Magic of Mount Seymour

The day I first set foot on Mount Seymour, I knew it would have a lasting profound impact on me. Located on Vancouver’s North Shore, the mountain looks down over the vibrant and pulsing city to the South, while the Coast Mountains stretch endlessly to the North. For 3 years, I returned on and off to seek inspiration, and to shoot as much timelapse as possible. Every time, I found a new and unique display of magic. I never tire of seeing the lights, the colours, the sunrise, the sunset, and just sitting back at peace above the world. This is the culmination of years of practice, countless pounds of equipment carried, many sleepless nights, and 100s of hours of editing. Enjoy!


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➔ Our Wonderful Nature – The Common Chameleon

Nein, das ist keine normale Chamäleon-Doku. Das hier ist nicht ganz ernst gemeint. Soll heißen: Es macht Spaß. :)


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