Gibt es etwas, das wir nicht für unsere Kinder tun würden? Vermutlich nicht wirklich. Wenn es wirklich darauf ankommt, sind Grenzen und Gesetze bald nur noch optional. Richtwerte bestenfalls.
Und doch haben auch wir unsere Grenzen.
Ma is grieving. Ma has lost her son. Ma’s son is coming home. How far can a Mother’s love be stretched before it breaks…
“Ma” is a short film written in response to a late night interview where the Mother of a man who had been murdered spoke of attending the trial of his murderer. Day on day she sat in the same seat as she watched and listened, and thought to herself that no one could ever be asked to sit in so difficult a seat. As the trial progressed, she observed the mother of the man who had killed her son, her grief…. This film is dedicated to all who suffer because of the actions and choices of another.